Episode 92 - This Month in Ultrarunning Megapod (with Paul Kentor!)

photo: Marek Janiak

photo: Marek Janiak

What happens when you don’t do a recap pod during the two busiest months on the ultrarunning calendar? You need a MEGAPOD to catch up on everything you’ve missed. First, Paul Kentor (aka SteelTownRunner) drops by to bring his unparalleled fund of knowledge to bear on Aleksandr Sorokin’s astounding 24-hour world record run. Then, it’s a blitzkreig of ultra and trail news and results, from Chamonix to Leadville to Silverton and everything in between.

*Editor’s note: an astute listener pointed out that despite our best efforts to make everyone a SWAP athlete, Abby Hall is in fact coached by Jason Koop of CTS (and has been for quite some time). Our bad! Sorry to both Koop and Abby for the error.

Beers for this episode: Lawson’s Little Sip, Sloop Juice Bomb

Intro music: "Fine Line" by the Bloodletters
Outro music: "When I Was Still Young" by Yard Sale